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Thesis: The environment...

Improves Cognitive Skills and Knowledge Retention 

Studies have shown that when lessons are taught outside rather than in a classroom, the students are more likely to remember the lessons.

Improves Mental and Physical Health

Students who spend more time outside have more time to think and contemplate their problems, leading to a healthier mental attitude. Studies have also shown that this can lead to a stronger immune system and other physical benefits.  

Improves The Environment 

People who spend more time in the outdoors and form a connection with it as children are more likely to want to protect it as adults. 


Plan of Action: We need to...

Revise State Curriculum 

Current state curriculum can be changed to require more hours being spent learning outside and less required classroom hours. 

Provide Additional Teacher Training

Teachers have plenty of opportunity to take education to the outdoors, but they lack the training to do so. While many new teachers do have environmental training, many existing teachers don't. 

Support Unique Learning Oppertunities

Unique learning opportunities, like nature playgrounds and outdoor classrooms, allow lessons and learning to be taken outside. 

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